Technical Sales Combining Sales and Engineering
Technical Sales Combining Sales and Engineering
The most important variable to be considered in the construction designs of cranes is economy.
Registration of the Casting Wheel Block developed by the R&D unit of our company as a utility model.
According to What Exproof Crane is Grouped and Classified ?
While standardizing the crane’s hoist, the characteristic features has to be determined first, so the system can work as a whole; Fem Classes, Capacity, Rope Reeving, Lifting/Travelling Speed and Lifting Height. Crane hoist are divided into groups inside of themselves within these features. Since the malfunction in one link of the chain will affect the...
Selection of Travelling Cranes according to FEM Class is determined according to the working hours of the cranes.
Inverter, in other words frequency inverter is a device for regulating the speed of electric motors.
The Smart area comes, Smart cranes also.
In the industrial world that is continually evolving and renewing, many engineering programs are required to keep up with the current technology. One of them is FINITE ELEMENTS Programs. These programs, where Static, Dynamic, Rigid and Flexible analyzes can make are programs that create designs and projects at optimum level and maximum efficiency by combining...